/ WHOLE NO. 8941. 9




The Outgoing and Incoming Administrations,

Closing Beenes of the ‘Thirty-Sixth Congress.

The Tariff Bill Signed by the President,

The Reason Why Troops are Con- centrated at the Capital,



Seward, Chase, Cameron, Blair, Smith, Welles and Bates,

The Inaugnral Address of Mr. Lincoln.

A Coercive Policy Towards the South Resolved On,

Financial apd Military Preparations of the Southern Republic.


List of the Resignations of Army, Nayy and Civil Officers,

‘The Programme for the Inaugaration of the President and Vice-President,

be. Key &e.


‘THE NEW TARIFF BILL A LAW. Wasmmveros, March 2, 161,

‘Tho Preeident was in great doubt fer como timo as (0 wheter he would sign tho now tariif bill. To ald bo tad examined eomo of {ts more Important features, and bo regarded It a8 a yery Imperfect and loosely drava Vill. Bo ylolded, bowever, to (bo pereuasions of eotae of jo Pennsylvania friends, and to-day signed It,


As 1 predicted eversthlng with rogard to the peaco ameamrea would depend cn the ection of the Scaste on Mr. Higler's retolution repcalig the rule forbidding the yeading of any bill oF resclation mor than once aa the caine day, co IL turned oot, Tho reeolotion was resisted hy the oxtremo men on both eides. But {t provalled by four majority, and hence the rezolutron uf tho House, known og the Corwin recolution, may and probably will Bo adopted, und even these of Mr. Crittenden or Mr. Big- Jer can para Sraily, But the indjeations are thswnotains willbe dane except the paring of Conwin's resotation, ‘ubich (a regarded as amounting to nothing.


} Wasursaroy, Marsh 2, 1662,

‘The Pesstlent sent s_meczago to tks House to-day, In compllanes with » resvlatlon qcre:ofore adopted, antothe ‘seasous Which induced him to azsemble bo largea number ‘of avers in Wasniogton, Ho gubsolts that tho force fs not fo largo as the resolution presuppores, its total amount delng Hix bundred and Ofty-threo, exclusive of thomarincs, itioero of couree at tho-Navy Yard, 9 thelr appro- Friato station. Theeo troope wore oneted hero to act a8 Ppowe comilalue? io eirlet accordance 10 tho civil ay thority, for tbe prpase of preserving peace and order tn Washinglon, ebould this become necessary, boforo or at tho yeriod of tho toavguration of tho Prealdent elect. What yaa the-duly of the President at tho time tbe troops ere ordered tothe city? Ought bolo base waited, afore thas precautionary measure was adoptod, until be could oblala proof thot a gesret conspiracy existed to elao the capital” Tn the languoge of the Eeleet Commit teo, tbls was “in a timo of high excitement, cooeequcot open rovolutianary events transpiring all’ around us. Tbe very alr wean Giled with rumors, and tadividanla were indulgiog in the most extravagant expression of fears ‘and arreats."” Under these clrcometances, which the President cayo be need not detail, as thes appear {a th teetimeay of tho Select Committer, ho was convinced that bo ought lo act. The safety of tho Immeate nwouot fof public property In this elly,and of tho archives of the forerament, fn wich all ho States, and eapcclally tho now Statea,ia-wbich tbe public lands azo rltuated, havo a deep interest, required thst he should do <0

‘The peace ond enler of the city jiself and the sccarity of tbo ieauguration of the President clect were subjects fof toch vast Importance to the whole country that 1 ‘ewkd not besltate to adopt preeauttouary and defensive measures. At the peeeent moment, jrben all ia gales, ft fs ditGeult torealiza the elato of alarm which prevailed ‘shen the Lroops were Bat ordered to (hia eity. This al ‘hoat iostantly ecb lded after tue arrival of the Brat com. pany, and 0 feeling of comparative perce and cecurity bos Tincoericted, Voth in Washlogton sad throoghout the

Twotry. Had refused to adopt this preesotlonary mes- sore, and evil copsequenses—abieh mauy cool mea ot tbe time apprebended—had followed, T pever should have forgiven myrelf. JAMES BUCHANAN.


Intelligence receixed to.lay from tba new goverament at Montgemery, chowa that tls procosding with great Vigve. ‘By the dth of March it js belloyed the entiro tf tecn rollticn Joan will bave bees Lake

‘Tuirty thousagd voluatesrs are now drilled and under capvare, aveitiog orders. Large army provistoa eup- piles of ‘ail eotts bare besn parcbased receutly In Clea. £0, £t. Lovia and Cicolonat}, and cent to Mobile and Nove Orleans for dietribatiou.

On the 414 of March the ew postal arrangements go foto eifect Tho die for the new stampa has been msde, ‘aod tbe old contractors cortlaued in the service of tho evpfederato States.

By Monday cexl, saya a loading eiticen of SMont- gomery, the uew goveromeat will be Independent sn all tho practical detatls of edminlstration, and propared 10 make goed thelr exparete nationality agalss} all comers.

The preeeot tariffs dealgoed to be merely provisions! ‘and tewporary. $0 soon a4 practicable a new syatoio will be adopted.

‘THE POSITION OF VIRGINIA, Wastusieron, Mareb 2, 1801

‘The jetalligence from Visglola rather viscouraging for the friends of the Union la that State, It is positively escerled that If Coayres: adjouras withoot passing somo plan of adjostimens Virglnls will joln ber alster States tn tbe Soatbera confederacy In love (hea thirty dape This Interccation comire Nor the submlseioalste In that 5

GEN. TWIGGS DISMISSED FROM THE AWHY. Wasmusctos, March 2, 1801

‘Too Secretary of War received, late Last evecing, the ender of Gra Cwlese surrending We forts su padlic pro yerty of big departmest, which was tho Cra: anthentic Information mained by tho goverDinvat of his treachery, and thercupea hs order dismissing him was imaedlately meade. It ajqeare LVL Goncral Twiggs ordared the troops wot of tbe harrecse atfan Antonia, ebich were lmme- Gately cceupled Uy she militia of Texas, whe United States troope Jo the mea time exestepleg upon ground out Béo of the tape,

| th

THE CASE OF CAPTAIN POPE. Wasmsntan, Sach #, 1861.

In Jostiea tn tho Preaident and Secretary of War, 1815 prepar to wlate that the conduct of Captats Pope wan a manifest vhlation of the Ofth article of war, and it wos a matter of cours to order o Coast Martial to investigate tho charge. In answer to the impotation that thls was fa Ding ot ihe Prosidant elect, It la proper to stata fariber that nolthor tho F'res}éent cor Secretary of War, at tho me the Court Martial was ordered, had any krowiedze Lat Lo was with tho President ekcet om his way to Warbingten

Captaln Popa has been notived that he will not bo ro- quired to oppear for two Wesks This Took Liko aD ac- Knowiedgment ca the part of tho administration that bey were hasty at Teast.


‘Tho President hss elyned tho Army Appropriatisa bill, nd a number of private bills. Tho Civil and Diplomatic Dil 13 not pigned.

‘The Nous0 Look a recess from thie evening toton o'clock, A.-M. on Monday,


Tho cllieers of tho army and navy, in eeporato ballon, sralted ov tho Preeident end tho respective Secratarien of thelr branches of the public eervica, and formally took their leave of them, Erlef epencbes were made, and moloal regrets expressed.

asia. (310% IN THE AnsY

Forty-three army officers have reclgned since the Fatope of the South Carolisa ordinance of escceaion, eovera} of thet srithoot reforenee to that ewoject,

HJootenant Colene) G. V7, Lay, Virginia ayd-do-camp to Gexeral Seatt, renigaed from tho United States Senate to- day.

TIE RATK OF FOSERGE TO AND FRM TIA TACITE. ‘Tho recently parsed Post Route pill contains a ection roquiring tea cento prepaid letter postage to and from the Peific coast, without regard to distance. All drop Jetters aro bereafter to bo prepard with postage stamps. TIDY CAKE OY ENYSODORE ARMBTRONG,

‘Tho conrt of jequiry Jn tho caso of Commodore Arm- strong bos resulted (o ordering o Court Martinl, which will agsegublo in tia city on the 12th of March, and composed of sch diskingolshed navy oficern as Commo dorea Stowart, Shubriek, Stringbam, Nickotson, Jarvis, Gregory, Paulding, Merwin, Reed, kc. The Judge Advo- ecto is Allon B. Hagruder.


Moro than donblo the atnoant of busioees has doen Iraneacted 0 the War Department this season than durlog a similar period fer elght years past.


Copiain Punnington, of the Capito! police, ts very busy making a colest/on of proper percors to oct as specials on tho day of the Inayuration. A nemerous forco will by detalled for tho purpose,


* Regular and extra trates sti) pour i curious and ox. pectant thousands from sil parts of the North and North- wet. Tho arrivala from theSouth are comparatively Fay, Brown's, the Southern besdqoarters, ls tho only leading hotel nol yot obliged \o refuse guests, ‘Thoro are at least twenty Nortborners to every Southreet bore. OFer a thonsand Tilinojelans are In town. The Springild frlonds of the President elect aro om band in full force. Special traing ore ron in every direction. I Is a motly crowd, and remarkable for xo thiog—its Intenss ignorance of tho prevaillog troubles of the country, Some of the fresh arrivals, reekors after resporelbte pasliions under Mr, noo, sil easider secesion a Joko and a hum. 08.



Sennte. Wasmmoroy, March 2, 1661.

‘The Senato met at the usuolhoar. A large crowd was: obatryahlo in Ae saller bere eee

Mr. Prance, (opp.) © ALd., reported from the Commit- teo of Conferonco on tho Inds Appropriation BULL

‘The vepart ways agreed to, )

Ar. Kine, (e6))) of Ne Xe, presumed b large wusadd oF | petitions, mostly against compromises. oa

Jleears. Scusm, Wrxrcoy and Caurcas prevented pot tlovs of a similar charscter.

‘A communleation from the President was recelyed, (ransmitting papers in relation to the extradition case of the negro Audergon, which waa ordered to be printed.

‘Anomber of reperts from the Committee on Printing wera adopted.

‘Tho report in favor of printing Mr. Simpson's eurvoy of the wogoa read was laid over.

“A pumber of private bills were passed,

dir, Suesm, (rep.) of Mass., mado e motion to cor reet the Journal, where {t rald:—-Tuo reeolutions from the Houre were read first and eccond Umo by vnan!- mous eooeent,"" THe eoatended that the when resolatious Wire read o second ime ho bimsel? objected and ofhers pear bir,

Mr. Doveras, (opp.) of Tl., claimed that the amend- mooi were read bv.

‘The siscuzgon coutinved somo time,

Hr. Foor, (rep.) of Vi, presented the credentials of Jncct Cellaimer, re-clocteil as Scoator from Vermont.

"The Jourual wor eorrected—yeas, 24; nase, 17, and the recoluilon from tho House read a beccnd time—yeas, 9; nays, 5.

Ty, yroresmoy oF ‘mm rEACE Coser.

‘The spacial ordor being the Veaco Oanvention propos! ion It was taken up.

Sire Lasn,.(opp.) of Oregon, reeumed, his remarks, spealieg ogainat the propositlon, an defended himself Spalnet tho epeecd of tbe Senator from Toaueseco (Sir. Jévucen), He referred 10 the withdrawal of several of ibe States, apd declared that Virginia would also go IF botbipg was dono, aud jolt the great Southern Confedera- ep. Be alo argued at gome length In favor of tho right of recession.

air: Prarce, (Opp.) of Md, mado a report from tho

erenen Commitice on the Civil bill, and the report # ajreed to, Sir los continues, commenting Eaverely ou that por- tlen af Ait Jobneon's! speech ndrocatlog coercion as a Feitiement for tho pressbt dificultles of the country. He (ane) was. in favor of a peaceablo, settlement,’ Ho Stained that tbe republican party would not let the elave State go Into the Territories, sith. thelr property. The Tepubliean party vill not fet the Sonthern States ctay In the Union dor Yet allow them to gout of It. Ar. Lano Heke for nesriy: ree hours.

Mie. douscos, (onp.) of Teon:, then raze to seals.

Mrs Inctan, (opp) ef Pa. weed to know if Ht waa the loteatien of The Fenator To pot of action ou the great questions before tho eouatryT IF be eboxo to do so it kas lothe powcr of any Seoator to pot eff action until Wveas teo late

Yee Jommeis. said that he would ply ozcupy a short tine, Hosatd he bsd been attacked by thoze who favor Sisupion.. Perecnalltice towards bln bad been Indulged fs, but be (air. Jouusen) felt bitacelf above personalitiss.

‘hesir. Johnson preceeded ue yeas applauded by tho ppllerien. when the Chalrman, Mr. Polk ordered Ybo gea- Hlemen's gullers on the right to be cleats,

ir. Notass, (opp.) of illieols, moved thst the rule be sorpendes

iho debate took place on the motlea, when

Me. Taszsaid be bored that the gentlemen in the gale

ve permitted to rewalo ab apptaud as! mush velbey piiated. Iedid watmake auy dltereace (Lim fur be wes stonding np (or rigbt.

Mr. Haury (rep.) of N. Hl, said that thosn tm tho gat. leriessrere protainy new coters end bad got thelr dose Ortbesreaw from the bewepapars. Ge wought they had Vetter be excused, 1

Tho dircusien lated for nearly ay bour, nod exvera, meothins were inade and withdrawn, wntit ot last Mr Tougizs withdrew bls notion, it belvg copaldered vat of ogee.

he Cun tien suspend th crder to clear the gallery an

Mir. Jonssos procested with bis speech. Ho said he tkought be migbt bik abost treasou aa tbe fathers of the cuutry had talked ubour It. Toe constitution dedne, Trearod es levyieg war against the government ond ala Top these who aidea. Show bim (Mr. Jobuexn) those who tnake war cn tha goteroment apd tire on Its vesecls, and be would ebow yous traitor. It be waa President of tho United state be would Dave wt such serested, and, tered and ceugicied. Dy whe Eterual God he would bava Then Lung. Mr. Jebneen theo referred to the actlan of Teuesee In cegard 10 s¢oesaloo. “Wd mceraed os 3 the Stuutor fre urexoa. bad not Beard the. noms, Mir. Jobueva. referred to tke votes. on th’ resolations 0 [isi e=sion, len the Scuator from Oregon voted against

Focotntico ILat it Was necessary 10 protect slavery. Lie that was before 4 Fresldentiat lection; now 11s iter toch bn election, Six Stals bave gone cut of the Unie: but the people Rave pot pase ap ordinarica of fccotinn, Caprercaie men Lave been overposrured Sod usorpation bas tiumpbed. Ihe stirs and ripe: fan: charged, ard the Pultnetto, we Pelican and the fattlernake ren up Ib thelr, place. ar. Jobszon, cloced With au elaqurot appeal for’ the dog of the Ualoo, €x- Jritting ihe Bope thac it ealpht ever ware over tho laxd Br ihe tren, aud declaring that Tenpessee woukd ever re- Sin (a she Colon :

“apyilacec bicke out jn tho galleries whem Mr. Johncon closed.

The Cuane ordered the galleries Lo bo Cleared. chien tices followed, ea the whale crowd roroand

rat rot wit est umulinous spplanee, yelling azal hou epd sutmieating mioree reareg ebsers for tbe Unlen, tueieg the greater: excliemert.

| Sesnte aijoara they adjoorn to mt tomorrow, oven

The Gauss ordered tho Rerpeant c' Arma to arrest any | coe caring a disturbance. | A EISNED (OPP) of AA. med tha Ube doers bo


‘Aller a tittle'time aN gallerita were cleared, the dears Jecliod, 3bd tho Senabe jirecceded In tholr buelbess,

Mr. Gurrewes, (opp.) ef Ky., moved that wben tho

though jt wax Sonday, circomslarces rendered It ‘Deca sary.

Mr. Troxncur, (fep.) of ML, coggested, hat they might adjourn to caved oeit>k Sunday evening.

F- Rice, (Fep.) Of Mion. eald, to rolatica to tha dis turbaneu, he boped Gia ¥enate would do something £0 pro- Vent much cronda in tho gallerke,

Mr. Kaxoeny eakdbe hoped and ould movo that for tbo reside of tha serch the gallery docrs eboald ba Keeked. He thought the disturbance of to-day wae tho mrcatest intuit ever offered to the Sensta, nnd that It was Likp a roarket bouse mob.

Mr, Hoon, (cpp ) of Mo. poke opsinet meating 09 Sua- Gay. Mo Ad bo woold eet come bere and buped (hey rms MC Ul thas fished tho Desinee and tne ads


Mr. Wrsoy, (t¢p.) of Maze, wos also in favor of ro- maining ill midnigbt or to-morrow morning, but not to makean order to moet on Sunday, unkeos Ht wos De cureary.

aii ae Framers (iep uf mie oper frou tho cena ean Gtae toh

‘The report was ogrcod to, aod go tho Bill parsed,

ei a

us, Foon, oo ete rte Caen ‘of Conference on tha ledian bill.

Tea thst ted wo Go i ced

Mr, Dovoras reported from the Committes of Conse ened ¢n the Patent bill, with ap asendsment that all patents hereafter grapted sball remain jn force roventern ‘yeart, and all ex(cnsicn of such patanta eball bereby bo palit

‘This report was dgreed to.

Son asocneam,

Iho ase, ahi Ue ae Creat mnlgetitt tht tetus ajpumieaijarats met at balf-pest twelyo o'clock on Sanday.

Snes uet eens 1

Mr, Carrrxpey paid the real question was, Senators did not wish to take the resp nsibility of voliog on tho init al wid oc a ent ea tat oy could pet be read a second time and pasted Lhe samo day.

Sit Racy (ap) SE Yee Hehe termes sot RS st einen bee to ew a Berane

Cate} they meld Rep th, Shad keller than they over did by eaving the country frou Tissot henth

Peale et degrees tomy ye 1237821

WP Bobet no ate peda exten turpend the rule which proFents bills cn resolutions to be resd 124 eke Sy fy rah ltt propane ieazits tac Soamn ct

‘Mr. THaxk raised Uho question of order that tho rules cea nn bospsate

ee NS a nked for cantina orev, GAR Tho ats twat pon sition of the Peaco Convention—and that no #lde motions ebould interfere.

‘Diecusrion continued on tbe point of order, when it wos decided that Mr, Bighcr’s motion was in order,

‘Mr. ILane moved {9 #triko out the word ‘suspend’! and inrert “‘repeal.'' Carried.

Wr. Mason rald that it was now proposed to change wd ht reat atmo eco ute, Which require moro deliberation than any otber.

After further discuesion the resalujloa was adoptod by tho following Foto:—

race ae, rps, Bl Cale, Cente BESS Oi UHR Ree Seta Thsapsnby Weed Me Pug, Rice, mons, eect eaueMy Ga ase aN States ele Rites weiss” No Pe wt Brucirr, (opp.) of Ind,, moved an oxccatiye session

Mr. Doraiis moved to itpono prior orders, BO OB to sal op heed elaban de tae ues

Beene Ler Seis ats ne rope to postpone. Ho made it a question of order that the tae RE cat

acral tao moto onder, nd tat i pra iy propsalea af to Gyenscn weul eee itd ace

Mr. Masox chjcctod to Lhe precedence of the Peace Con- vein cn log fg hee

enact Sd tots REN Se Seater fom Virginia was €0 friendly Lo tho measures of the Peaco Coo- yention. Not leng since bo heard his volco desouncing tho Convention, but now It is different In tho fear that ho iy aobombiag to yte on Gat wi glee pac aaa.

‘Mr. Masox—Tho Senator from Tlinois never heard me expo spain he [zon ot hve ot ference. Ho (Mason) tbovgbt that precedence sboold not be taken therm.

Mr. Camresnry s3|) he thought Jt strange gentlemen eboold wont to take op the resolutions simply to strike a. ovate Sekpt am nigra bee

tags nts ta Fe <Stiteen yeaa sso ba anaes ought to lot something be dove, , Doorlas' motion was agreed to, aa follo; er es he Be

‘Woke Hat: Isorgell, Vere.

“Thoma, WIE

“AREEES 10, fir, Kisd moved thnt tho doors at tho right be alzo opened.

Ar. Laruie maved to admit lndjes only.

Mr, Fruit protested agsinst tbo admission of any gen- Wemen after thi insult recolved to-day.

Mr. Kesvinv ead thut the Seuate bad been insulted jm amanier goprecedented , and bo would not wt hers and be invulled any more. Movprotected against the odmis- slon of ony ten.

‘Go motion of Mr. Cusoxax the motjon of Mr. King wa) ladon the table.

‘bo Joint recalations from the House were then taken

op tr, Peo ead tho recelutions wero ehocking bad gram. rar, and he moved to amend by striking oat the words Mauiherlzed or." Yas —Mesars Bayard, Mostar, acs, Bright, Chandler, cu Gopal, Fenencen, Poot’ riwek, Huptes Jehan Eeticnee Hise, Meson, Kromball, Wade, Wigtal), Wie:

fog, Wilton.

‘HiecMesere Hakér, Bigler, Collamer, Critteoden, Dizon, Dials, Urinee Gila, fisls, Harlan, Jouneon of Tran, Reebeds, Lntoain’ Sinfrily Peeree, Porvell, Sebastian, ee Eyck, Fhompsen—i2.

This belog a te vote, the President gave tho casting vote in tuo ailirmativ

ir, Ducaiad appeated to komo Sevator to change bis vote. ‘i

‘Ir. Crrrmmsnaxy moved for a recouslderationof tho vot’, Agreed 10.

Sir. Jorcscox, of Arkansas, eal (hat he considered this the mcst treacheroos proposition yet made, and ho be- Iived that Soulbern Ineo wero eacrliciog tholr Suates ‘apd ‘giviag op their rights. Ho (Jebo~ fot) would “not vote for vany" aif way mca tures, He would pot vole for any measures, that will wo bring back all. tho States, and Festoro tho Ualon Deit wae. Hocopsldered this. propesition asa delusion, tod calculated to divide the South.

Nie Gwty sald that bo waa la favor of a maguro that would do Justice to both auctions and make a eettlement. Mo did dot beliove that the paesago of this rezoluiloa ‘ould eatsfy tho country 2

Dir. Haxee advocated tho passage of the resolution. To aid bot ruppese it would chect a settlement, but Teva a Heptoward Ie

Yir- Cuaap1in moved (bet al! the dears bs opened in the gallery. apreed to by yeau 24; naya 19. Macses of peo- Flo poured in notil the galleried were crowded,

‘tbe Vice President cirecied. the Sergeant at Arma to admit no tore pereore than could yo comforubly rented.

Mr Frrem moved that the Senate aijourn.

Daring tbe call of the roll Mr. Mason ald It waa ovl- deat the Senate wos uniter We control ofa lawless wob, nd rhonld vote to adloara,

Metlou lost—Veon 10, nay8T1. +

dir. fuxer continned bis remarks, urglog tho passage

lon oa a mucnauro of caneillatlin. ‘eel objected to the resolution aa_not eatis- He wautea Eetoetbing like the Crittenden pro,

pesitisnn, Tho digcvssion continued at same length, Mr. Fven'y motion wasdlragrecd to—yeas 11 neays 20

Ar. Prou then moved to amend, by substituting tho Crittenden resolutions.

Mr. Wiuscox eald Le shavld neither yi pmcndmicot nor the original propesition. fe to all subterfogex and compromises. The people tad Tisvo ond hurled from pawer o eorcup! ond debauched adiniplsirdtlon, where obcern, to save flan the Ibdiguation of ‘an ontraged peoplo, Yod taken refuse “under tho black tisg_ of treason, Hie contended that the vill of the posple must rule. He would Dot vote for comprorelse wor s\trrendur any priti- ciph Lad dono nutbing wrong. and bo bad nothing towke beck. Ho referred to a epeeck of Governor Whee Wea be Toko of the oom cenein ow further dunrtiog

the power of the Sutera Ststey. He (Wilktos00) said that was the true reacoa’ of tle trouble,

the Inereare | of the Ireo States could, nok Be adopted. They were migbty powor,

‘he Northwest and ble own Slato were reaty to perform llth cbilgavions tat were dee under tho eaeetisoton, aud nething core could ha asked, acd bo waiild not glve hecds fur thelr gooa bebavionr. "Thes. wonld Haver sub- Fit to the restictlou of the wavigatl of tho Assy. plriver—uever=

Bir. Deounnz moved an amendmpat to Me. Pugb' amendment, ie rald bo was wiliog to rovke muy sacrl- fees; but, ¢ be did ro, te waated eome eecurity Mat they’ would rave the Union.

‘The amendment |s already published. It, iiectares that ro sino bas « right (6 withitaye from ibe Vo\oa.

ir. LovaLss ald be hoped to Ue allowed to take a vote. ‘Thos were speacing the algbt to talking, and preventlog setioo on valuable bids, It was cow halrpast ten o'clock.

Mir. Cnaxnuem rocerred (0 the remarke of the Senator from Kentucky (Powell) and asked ifn compromise Was made, would he go for the coforecment of tho laws fnall the States.

Bir, Powrut rald that bo would enforce the tawe io all thp Skater of the Uuiea, but be waa {o all coer cloo io aby of the States. He thoagbt elyil war would

| pil-reseaed

AN Diragretid to—108 agn'nat 62, not bwvo-thirde,

peters a tS eae coro traitors. The question Wer, whetber we have a govern-

ment or xol? If we Este po gavcrnment here, be *(Caspdler) wou!d emigrato 10 ome opher place where

they bad a ment, een to tho Dumancher Te contended that tbe Volos meotiment wauhl erectavty Mrinmph in the South, und overthrow whe very men who Bow how) agsiuet Unions Tho Soatb will rain no dena from éisunlon; it will caly pring & io3a 60 their own Daccers. He’ deprecated cre war, Dukanarehy was still wore. Te wan to. yitid any i ten, bat octhg to trian ns ee Sain

ur, hora replied. Ho esk twas strange tm fon tay they mean nothing -pereonal, and yet ake wbole falo charges of theft against a jarty. Unfortunalely the North did wot alway tend men: bore wo wers ether gedtlemen or Christies. When be. (W:gio)l) called a fon a rerunirel he meaat'wbat be sah) nia Bek ase elf’ respontible. for Hk Ho boped Uy Senator (Claud: fer) woud not tum bimsrlt ever to tho Oman che. They tulfercd a great deal already by eoutset witb tho whites. (Tanghter.) Ue (Wishall) doctared that tbo uavigation of tho Mirsiinippi wookd never bo impeded by the seceded Staten.

Mr. Wuct sakd tho peoplo of tbe Norybwreat Koow thoir own fights too well to Supposa that tho navigaticn of tho great rieer will ever be impeded by coything except ico

Mr. Wiorat And Jaw eater. (Laggtiter.). if, tb Eenator sill put that in, I will accept of his amendment Ho predicted tbat Mr. ‘Lincoln woakd jonza the Cataig» Platform and po fer peace; recerwo tbe Criamstieser from the Contedcrate States, and, Instead of making Sur, Would witbarav the forces from’ the forts. Io did no: thick there would ba war gow.

‘Mr. Fook was rorry the discursion bad tikon thia form. Ho did not believo tho, peophe of tbe Nertbywest would Voto one dollar fer eocrcion.

Me. Wichsts continued; eaying be balieved that nothing serl of the acknowkdgient of tbo ight of sozothon ruuld eatiety the South. As to tba propeaitioaa of the Peace Couforence, if no other reato existed, If-thay were adeyted, all the States which were not g9ae woud Immediately go out,

Mr. Gorasnre sald ho wobld ike to eubmlt.a fow re marke, bot as jt waa 0 lala bo, doubled If It was beet to 50.00,

‘Mr. Heater moved that tho Sevate taico o reocss ti!) tomorrow (Surly), at eaten o'cwel: in tha evening, nd at (<n minutenuf ‘twelve the Senato najourced fer ro cee,

House of Representatives Wastuvero4, March 2, 1861.

‘Tho Sreaxrs. laid boloro tbo Hoveo s fetter ‘rom Tuomas U. Ford, ree}going his oltice aa printer.

‘Too struggle en the part of mezobera for a recognition by the Speaker occasionad tbo greateet confusion

‘Twénly or moro members somélinles vigorously sprang to ubeir feet, bolding In thelr ovtstrotched hands tho pro- orltions they eoverally trove to otter.

‘Tho ghorns, ‘Mr. Speaker;! was deafenlog. Tost oflicer bere this indiction with Decoming resignation.

Mr, SLisKrs, (opp.) of N.Y. frow tho Committeo om Printing, reported resolutions, which wero passed, to print $0,000 coplea of the abstracted bonda Iavoxtigation; lso tho tamo number of Merdecal and Dalatieid’s repore on miliiar the Mert

amended Tariff bill.

PASAGH OR TUE FIST OPACE AnrmOENG!ION LIL \ ms Touro then preceeded to the consideration of tho Senate's nmendmebte to the Post Ofice Appropriation vil.

‘Tho Houee concurred in the Sento amendment by a yote of M7 against 43. Tk was presented thera by Soca tor Wiléon, anq.anbals tho. present Dutcoriicld & Oompa-

‘y's wallyonte to California via 11 Pasa, which now | perty

casts $£600,C00 for seem)- Weekly letter service; but daring

‘operations o the Crimea; aleo 2,000 copies of |



In the House on Friday, tbe Force bill being unser n- sideration, Mr. Joox Cocmare, (opp-) of 2, Yu) PKs as follows—

Mx Sreacer—Upen tbo beol of an Important voto of tbe Hove, auspicloca of conciliation and retarulng Bar moty, Tam rorry to cee this woasuro of corrchoa again reseed open its attention. The Iaogoago profuscly Pr the arguments thoy BAY? Ha its fayor, H siguificant of hat are to mo shiv

fof thepawers of oar Em

ka Bold tio batory ano Dees AC agave rnmornt of cvptral- ‘us well 03 civ fore uo Dot ecanse, eal reayeval from thla interior

foluia eve Tas tobe delarken, savous tbo atgawicnt T bops to

yreve de Fea eee tallacy, Furi, naseever, Hera oo well Pez Ue ibe wate of ihe affird, tho regalatbn of ree Me te eengoed Dy. tbo -pcage, ot, eis bil

Traccayibh. A convulsion na retaurkable as any tho wrrid as iver witneaseil bas exs? from tele federal pee taucrwrialor the States of Um Union. Tay copte- Kiraton which reovetly pomberes tn fost thirty-tbreo Siates now pasautribated 10 ie but twenty-aighte Six Shatce, therefor, have eeveres their evuueetian yeith ths Siti tneremucent, and sesame to direct cbelr future Carter fy heir inbereok covercignly, Others are con feropbat go wimline departiny, aud tno peobabllity 18 Thee ating mouths will witaens a further dis@wabor- Paivertes Amuran repaulio. -teemoot Wosarpeising Teoticvonte of woch tnnguliade rhould tiovw exerted tho futije mid to ssoversat tension, and have altimataly EXulsca ip dstumpered disorder tha opluioea, tbo foal- Ibuwand the habits of tho whole people. Rumors of o> vem and reelstancs, and menitcs of Ang aDNTY con- Te trate into elarm and contribute to tbs uebappt- eee nc tbe cosunry.. Thib to Coch a slats of confusion,

Teli tho measure uf the geotieman from

absueh a tie Gbio addreses vwelf. 1b (8 procaimed, to be Sore, to, be. a Tocavuro of peace, a leolent pre.

fauvlon ef defence, Fir, the true joteat of this Bilt ffwe may Jadge from Sts incvitablo offects, 12 war. Not A war With foreliu axccpiea, lodpes by Rooee=sful invasion Toor widet, buto war ogaintoar fellow citizens, oor Greogeand kine toa word, civil war, Tho additioaal Cohingency expressed upon ite face to be that fo which the President chil beaathorized to invoke tho ald of 1he Diliie, and tisiceept aby services of volaatects is tho Tasé of inourrectioug agavnst tbe authority of tho United Staual!!” Peere cao be po question that tho autbority of The Chiied Stotes goverbment 1s ropodinted and defied tbroogh nearly oll cur Soutbern Lorders. 1s proporty bao beep violated, uiJarigafition asaailod und wparned To redress thro declared wrongs, It evidostiy tho ta. feutieu of tho friense ct this bill Comply. ita provinlons. She cazee of InsUrréction referred to 1a tue Dill Include Ihovacts above reeked, adced, the resolution of the ‘Voueg doder the autborlty alone, of which the geatieman from Oblo Wad exabled to Introduce bis bill, rovers, dis- Uacuy fo the protection of tho public progerty of tho United Ltates.” This resotntion emprwers tbe comauttes Feptetentol bg tho geotlescan from Ouio| 12 Inqoiro (Mibetiee any further legislation Is required toenablo tbo President (2 afford auleqzato provection to tho pablis pro- Teed not, therefore, 31r. Speaker, anjua trom Boch 4 slate of circumstances. that thie jatended destina-

tbo remainder of telr contract. time (threo | thom of this bill when jteball have becomo a law, is for and a. kaif years) gives. them tho central | the Invaston of the-rofl of the Sovthern States, aod the overland routo” iu lou of the other. Thoy | rodoctign by the power of arms of all resistanco which

fare to carry Jt daily at $1,000,000; to deliver tho malls st Denver aud Sale Take trl-weeldy, apd to run 3 pony ox-

Aiall inlerpote betweno the army lov}od for tho provec- tion of Ube public property and the possession of that

prese cem)-woeldy, earrylog five pounds cach trip for the | proferty by tbe declared insorgent States. I thiuk, Drernment free of chuyge, nod to reducing to cost of | theterore, slr, that T om jastided tn tbo asserthon Rtcar by eald eaprers to coe dollar per halfounce. If | that, sofarsism this being a mesacre of peace It fs ad:

Burverdeld & Co. fall to accep thig before tho 26th of | noudtlon of war; co far from providing the means of de-

March thelr present contract ip to bo abzolutely an- hulled, and. the central routo contract ta to be Jet to tho Jowest’ bidder, not cxcecding ($1,000,000. The entire Tetter mails to be carried throogh tally tn’ twenty dasa, snd the reeiaiie in thirty-five oays, with tne privilage of ending tho Iter Uy steamer in tyventy-liva days, at contractor's expenco and the latter to receive two months pay for damages for tho change of service from the Southeru to the Centra} roote, But the Buttorfield Company were required by Mr. Colfax’s and Mr. Shee~ ioan'Semendincat to eater jolo a weittenogreementio bo iMled iu the Post Oflce Department, and to be Incorporated into thelr contract. agreeing to carry ebx hundred pounds of wall per trip, which wil tao afl toe dally papers be- dee tho Jettore, end also relloqulzbing alfclaims fur dama- ages provided in the Yenate amcadment,

"The bill, efter debate, sas concurred in oxnetly aa It came Jrom tho Senate. 'So It Is now a law. 1 reduces he cost of the mail Fervico to California from 62,437,000 to $1,000,000; incroases the service to dally ; eoncsntrates the xbail ‘carrying oa ope line, nbd. abrogates the Battor- Geld contract without Incurrigg muy claims for damages.


Mir. Tinctias, (rep.)-9¢-Oblo,. moved to taka vp tho foridreg for the ooliest.on of be ‘customs on -bipboard in the event of illegal combiaations Or other abataciea to tho execatien of the reveauo Laws, abd author|zing tho President, If he wccms it mcce.sary, Tocwploy the army, teval forees, ke.

Sener, (ope) ol)Mo., objected to its

nove afruepe

OSSCIE OP ASOURTAKY TOUCHY iy Dawns, (Fop,) OF Mocs calli up the ropert of uly relect committee, concluding with n reralusjon that the Secretary of the 'Nary, In gezepting, without delay br Inquiry, tho realgaatious of officers of tho navy who Wore In arms agaiuet the coverbment, when tendering ths exme, and oF thos who ought to resign that thoy: might bo’ relieved fro1n the restraint impaed by thelr Commissions upen engsgiog in hostiity to the constitutes bothoritics of tho nation, hes committed a grayo error, bighis prajudicial to the deoipline of the service ‘and injurious 40 the honor ad eillcleucy of the nary, for

wh{ch ne deserves the censtre of Uhls Howe.

Mr, Dawrs moved tho previous question,

Mr. Bras, (opp.) of N.C., moved to Jay the reeolu- tion ou tho table.

Disayroad to, 67 ogainst 90.

Mr Jitasciy a8 a member of that commlites, in- aemuch as tho teatioony had nob beca priuted, and as tho facte proven in tbo committee would noi sus- ijn tho recolution, agkod Mr. Dawes (0 allow tho mojority ond minority reports to bo read, If the gentlo- man would uot consent to this thea let the tolters of the Tecretary of the Navy befread.

Mr. Davos taid be ad ho objection to {ust or a slate- ment of the chief clerk of tho Naty Deparunent being Tead, If the Houge desired it

MME, Bruses—That’s lt we ae.

Ar. Dawns, bowwover, refused to withdrayr the demand for the provious questibg, eo ying {ho report wah printed in tbe Glebe 8 week ago. x

Mr, Stcates, (opp.).of N. ¥., sald that the resolotion was a disgrace to these Who Would vote for it.

Mr, Fuameex, (opp.) of Pn, conaldered this recolution 8 stabbing a map tp the dark.

Gulls to "Order" from the repubitcan cide.

Dir. Wisstove, (opp.) of N.C, eat there was n0 ¢¥1- deneo to justity gach censure

ir, Kuacoue, (rep.) of Ind., could not consistently vote for the resolutlon uniesa ho could eve the evidence.

‘iho resolution vas adopted—95 to 62.


dir, Puss fared a regolition, tbat the thanks of this,

Hooce nro due, nnd aro hereby presented to Hon. Wa.

Penpingten, the Speaker therof, for the faltbfal, courte

Gusand imyartial adwlo[stratic of hls ductes during the Present Congress. Ho moved the previous question.

Marans, Kens and Cue, (orp) ot N; Oy oblectedy bot ahe Speuuer pre. fem (Mr. Braneb) decided tbls a prl- ‘ylleged question,

DME Maxvanb, (opp.) of Toon., ald tbe rules of a rex oilon of this kind depended op the yeas and nays being called, apd made a inctioa accardipsly,

‘Tho House roluced toorder the ayca nnd 0935,

Aho recolution was adapted wiih veveral objections.

Rep rio irora Confercuce Committees wero trom to to time concurred im,


Mr. Howan, (rep.) of Mlc., made a report on tho dis- apreciog smendments to the Indian Appropriation biU Ho cskd that Instead of allowitg a millon two hundred Thourard dollars, aa proposed Dy tbe Seuate, tbe cointnlt- Yeo 01 the part of the House bad reluctantly consanted to allow the’ Choctayrs §0v,000—one half In money, the otber balt In bende. It was nece=sury to pars opon this oatter bow, else the Dill might be leat,

Mr, suuralas ald tbat tho House bad twice rejected this-clsim. Ho woul rather eo tho, blll defeated than bbe forced under tho report from the Committes to thus ogied to It. This was an_entoring Wedge to pay Avo tall. ces to the Choctawe. The House coald pass o bill, pore

went an

soo simple, Teavine out tho Choctaiy am tend {eto tho Seuate, If the Wilt waa Vest then, on that ody would rest the respovstbllity

Mir. Finiass hoped the Buse would adbere to thelr dis-

+ Ifthe Senato desire to let the Bill fail, e0 bo

Mr. Sravrasay, (opip.) of Ky., daring this epirited de- date, suid bo dia vot knéw what alr. Phelps bad against the Chectama, "Was it Uecanse bs links hve fortanes itt the North! Hoau panctioned objcels ox unjust a& this, find yebhas claimed tbo obligation of plighted faith (a FUstainiog them. To couiderush under foot plighted faith when Ie suited bie vlewe.

Dr. PuyLrs—1 do net koow what tho gentleman means.

Me Smvseoc—I will explain what mean ‘and prove swbat Fay:

Mr. Tuer havo porsved the enurso of daty I felt Jocombest upon me. Iva not Kkeow to what the gentle an refers.

Mir SYRVASS—T will explain all.

Sir. Port bao sala that if to Choclaws wero to a rulferipg conditicn I would docate them two hundred and lity thousatd dollar, but wonld not anction or recegniso thie Choctave atward. "Ir thie ls eetility, thea to gentle wan bas mistaken frlendabip for hostility.

Mr. Snaveseos—T say that tho gentleman fram Mis- scout) Bas urged on. this floor tbo. parchass of a pablio printing house as necesaty” to carry out tho treaty 1s Fregaa on the poblle faith.

Er browe:—One word of explation. That was to carry oot tbe law for porchesing « pablie printlog, fice, tbe contract boving received tho approval of ths Printing Gmmnitecs of but Houser T ial! voted aganst the

jot when the contract was made I for ‘Ing oot Be yea Twas for curry log

Ir. Suuviewox ald the money now proposed to be ayrarded to the Cboclawe Was armuagt Fo soma tise, and more than that war duo. Ho thea cxpl and recalled eer language objectiocable to the geutle- tat from Misrour!..

‘The exeltement econ subsided, and tho ropart of the committee wasagreed toy nine major)ty.

Ateayen P.M. the Boveo adjourned tili Monday morn- pp, ten o'clock.


feraait denounces a hoste Invasion for the oventual irpotes of subjugation. Bat we aro told tbat tbls | Baro reenactment of thelaw of 1798, and, theroforo, candot be obnexloul t2 corstitutfonal odjection. Mf It 18 Duta reenaziment }t must confereedly bo unnccomary, and sbould, tbereiore, if for no other reasou, bo» abapdenod. Bot "ft does not partake. of his, barmler: “character. 1} process Jost ono step in alvancs of tbe law of 05, and it Is exnctly.21 Abie point that the objection of 'unconsthiv Llonallty ie iovelied. IL wlll bo rememberod that thon: etitutiozal requisition. fa, thot tho Preeldent eball take taro that tho awe ho faithfully executed. | Anotber cenul- fiticn oat familiar to all fs fat tho Volted Staten snall Frotect each Stato against invasion," and apo the re- Eulaitlon or the specified State. nptborities, against "do nestle violeace.”” ‘Theso aro duties plataly imposnt by the constitution, and: to discharge these, and ooly thes, the cenpreaa Is invested with power *Ho provide tor rll: Ing fort tho mjliJa to execute the laws of the Valon, suppress ineurrection aod repel Invasion.” ‘This power uf Cobgress was executed by the enactment of tho Invv of 1798. Therein provisken ye woade Ce Tir ee ell